What Can the Yellow Wiggle Tell Us About First Aid Training?

Heart attacks are one of Australia’s biggest killers. Every year, around 34,000 Australians and New Zealanders suffer a heart attack outside of hospital. Without the assistance of a trained and qualified first aid officer, cardiac arrests frequently turn deadly – in fact, only one in ten victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests survive. Would you know what to do if someone at work suffered a heart attack? Is there someone in your workplace that’s trained to help? Maybe you remember a [...]

ISO 45001 is finally here! Now what?

ISO 45001 is the new Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard. If you're not sure what the changes are and how to implement them, take a look at GrowEQ's plain English answers to commonly asked questions.

7 Easy Ways You Can Increase Safety On a Budget

Phil La Duke says the belief that a business has to choose between working safely and making a profit is a very old and deeply held mindset — and it’s usually wrong. Here are seven things any business can do to reduce the risk of worker injuries without adding prohibitive cost.

Australia – Open for Business!

GrowEQ has been busy helping clients achieve greater efficiency, risk reduction and improved productivity over the past year. Now we're ready to help you identify and implement what your business needs to gain a competitive edge.

Is Certification Worth It?

Is Certification Worth It? “To be or not to be that is the question” although I don’t think Hamlet had certification in mind when he said this. It is a decision to be taken on business grounds. Here are some of the reasons why organisations choose certification: By setting a clear goal, certification motivates staff and helps to gain their commitment. Certification improves processes and refines activities. There is nothing like certification for focusing one’s attention on this key requirement. [...]

Simple Rules on Purchasing

Simple Rules on Purchasing – Part I  When it comes to purchasing goods and services for your business the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems standard is full of good common sense. Here is what it says – 7 Product Realisation 7.4 Purchasing 7.4.1 Purchasing Process The organization shall ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchase requirements. The type and extent of control applied to the supplier and the purchased product shall be dependent upon the effect of the purchased [...]

What on Earth is Preventive Action?

If the preventive action clause in the management standards confuses you, join the club! Most people find this one confusing – “I record the problems (non conformances) AND I fix them (short term corrective actions) AND I address the root causes of problems (long term corrective actions). What more do they want?” All three of the most popular management systems - ISO 9001 Quality, AS4801 OHS, and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems have a preventive action clause. Here is the [...]

Keep it Simple

The following information is so important that it is one of my downloadable Top 5 Essential Tips for ISO systems. Why is it so important? Because a) your management system must be simple and practical or your staff won't use it; b) cumbersome systems don't help a business achieve its goals; and c) overcomplicated systems are expensive to maintain. You need a simple system that effectively helps run the business & meet the needs of both customers & stakeholders. Just [...]

Non-conformance is Just a Fancy Word

No Quality, WHS or Environmental System is perfect and no business is perfect. Problems may occur with the service you provide, your products, your processes, and your suppliers, the result being that stated requirements are not met. Those requirements might be stated in the specifications for the product, the service level agreements, a regulatory body, or your own internal procedures. In the language of management systems these problems are called non-conformances, but you may call them anything you like. It [...]

Quality Manual Secrets Revealed

When I audit ISO management systems - be they ISO 9001 for Quality, ISO 14001 for the Environment, ISO 18001 or AS/NZS 4801 for work, health and safety, or ISO 22000 for food safety - I see soooooo many Quality Manuals that are 20, 30, 40 Pages long. There is a better way. The ISO 9001 Quality Management System Requirements Standard states: 4.2.2 Quality manual The organisation has established & will maintain a quality manual that includes: a.  the scope of the quality management system, including [...]